
Frankenjura South 2 2020: Switzerland, Austria, Germany

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This is a comprehensive guidebook covering the southern half of the Frankenjura rock climbing area to the east of Nuremburg. 17 major climbing areas are covered, detailing more than 380 crags and 6,790 routes.

The following major climbing areas are included; Walberla, Trubachtal, Bärnfels, Betzenstein, Plech, Pegnitz, Krottensee, Spies, Sittenbachtal, Pegnitztal, Hirschbachtal, Königstein, Etzelbachtal, Högenbachtal, Förrenbachtal, Lauterachtal, Neumarkt, and Forellenbachtal.

For each crag there is a detailed location map, detailed access information and GPS co-ordinates. All the routes are shown on detailed topos. At the start of the guidebook is a comprehensive crag summary, showing the number of routes at each grade along with the approach time.