Round 1 of the Winter Bouldering League may have come to an abrupt end due to lockdown 2.0, but we’re back with a bang! The results are up for the first round, and we’re jumping straight into round 3 starting this week. How did you get on?
For Leeds Results, Click here.
Ready for some fun factoids from the first round to motivate you to try hard in December?
The average score across all centres was 179, and if you scored 260 or more, you’re in the top 10% of all Depot Winter Bouldering Leaguers!
Sheffield climbers had the highest average scores overall, but with 2 more rounds to go, another centre could still take the top spot.
99% of people flashed the first problem, but only 0.4% flashed the 30th. Don’t get too discouraged though – up until problem 19, you were more likely to succeed than not.
There are more men than women climbing in the WBL, with girls aged 12-15 being the most under-represented category of all.
Nottingham topped the charts of the highest proportion of female climbers in round 1, but it was a close one – we’d love to see more of our strong female climbers getting involved!
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This post was written by depotadmin