NICAS Wild Climbers
Ready for your child to take their first steps into independent climbing? Our 1-hour game-orientated sessions for children aged 4-6 are the perfect way to nurture your child’s adventurous spirit while introducing them safely into the indoor climbing environment.
With an emphasis on developing and improving balance, agility, teamwork, and confidence, these sessions are delivered by our team of expert instructors right here at Depot Birmingham.
Book NowWhat Classes are Available?
NICAS Wild Climbers offers climbing skills for all, from age 4 and upwards. It’s a fun, game-orientated program that aims to introduce young children safely into the indoor climbing environment, developing their awareness of climbing movements, improving confidence, and creating a grassroots pathway into additional climbing activities.
The sessions meet the 3 key learning areas of the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) which is the precursor to Key Stage 1 and includes Communication, Physical Development, and Social / Emotional Development. Your child’s progress will be tracked through the resources and stickers for participants.
Additionally, the session resources encourage inclusivity whilst also allowing the skill areas to be individualised when setting personal goals.
Mondays-Fridays at 16:00 pm
Saturdays at 11.30 am & 12:45 pm
Sundays at 11:30 am
How much is it?
Classes are £10 for one child per session.
A one-off £15 sign-up fee covers the cost of signing up to NICAS & resource material including book, folder & stickers.
Sessions are instructor-led and supervised, with no need for a parent to be part of the session, however, you will need to be present in the centre. Any parent or guardian wishing to enter the matted area will need to fill out a registration form.
Registration forms must be completed prior to taking part in the classes. These can be completed online, via the links below. Under 18 waiver forms must be completed by a parent or legally appointed guardian for any child attending the class.
Wild Climbers Booking
Classes will need to be booked in advance and can be done online, over the phone or at the centre. Sessions do not have to be consecutive weeks, if there is a week you cannot make, then as long as the Centre knows in advance, the bookings can be rolled over to a different date. To book please call the Centre on 0161 848 9495 or through our website below. All classes are on a first-come first served basis.